Bud Light is famously making good on its promise to Lane Johnson that it would provide free beer to Philadelphians because the Eagles won the Super Bowl.

Reps from the brewing giant will be stationed at “multiple taverns” along the parade route, the Anheuser-Busch brand has said, and will somehow manage to hand out a free brewksi to every 21+ person who asks for one. Those logistics are gonna be something to watch, considering the enormity of the crowds expected to flood the city. If you actually like good beer, the effort can hardly be worth the payoff.

Yards Brewing Co. to the rescue.

The oldest continually-operating brewery in Philadelphia will be giving out free beer of its own. Starting at 11:30 a.m., every customer who comes by the brand new taproom at 500 Spring Garden St. will get a Philly Pale Ale on the house.

“We’ve waited so long,” said Yards founder and president Tom Kehoe, “that it just doesn’t seem right Philadelphians should be drinking a foreign owned, mass produced beer on such a proud day in our city’s history.”

Kehoe, a longtime Eagles season ticketholder and dedicated fan, will surely hoist a cold one in the team’s honor himself. He also be busying himself with other Super Bowl-related activities — for a good cause.

On Thursday, Yards Brewing will present harm reduction nonprofit Prevention Point a check for more than $7,000.

The funds stem from an Eagles-Patriots bet the Philly brewery made with Boston’s Harpoon.

Harpoon lost that one, obviously, and is currently embarrassing itself by serving Yards PPA at its taproom, but there was also a charity component. No matter who won, Yards pledged to donate $1 from each pint and $10 from each keg of PPA sold during the two-week runup to the Big Game.

Win for the Eagles → win for Prevention Point → win for lovers of great Philly beer. Top that, Bud Light.

Danya Henninger was first editor and then editor/director of Billy Penn at WHYY from 2019 to 2023.